Idea Contributor

How it works:

1. Want a product, not a patent?

Do you know a problem you believe can be solved by a new product or modifications to an existing product? Do you have some idea of what the product would be, and would like someone else to come up with the exact specifications and manufacture it? In thanks for your suggestion of a useful product would you like them to give you a finished, ready to use product? If, YES please Join us and describe it on the Submit an Idea form after choosing NOT for PATENT.

We will do our best to find the company that will make the product, and if the price is $100 or less you will get the product free of charge. If it is more expensive you will be able to get it for a discounted price, or still get it free at the discretion of the manufacturer.

 Describe the problem.
After you sign up you can submit as many product ideas as you wish.

Join us

2. Want to patent a product?

 If you are interested in getting a patent you should NOT provide a description of the product on the Idea Paradise website, as this could interfere with your subsequent patent application. Instead please sign up and choose the area the project is in and we will match you with an appropriate patent agent or patent attorney who will help you determine if the product is patentable and if you wish will submit a patent application for you. Find patent agent or attorney.

Join us

3. Need other help with making a product idea a reality?

If you need an application developer or prototype designer, sign up, choose from the list the type of help you need, or if not listed describe it. Please choose the area your product is in and we will match you with an appropriate service provider.

Join us

4. Have a patent, want to license it?

 If you already have a patent and would like to license it we will send the information you provide to the company most likely to be interested in licensing your product.  Please sign up and submit the description. Include the patent number. Describe the problem you are solving.

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Resources for Idea Contributors

When you try to determine if your idea is patentable the first step is to do a patent search. Use Google Advanced Patent Search.

If the product you have in mind is already patented you need to think about it some more and come up with improvements to your original idea that have not been patented.  

The next step,  if you want to get the patent, is to go to United States Patent and Trademark Office  and learn about the complexity of patenting process.

If you are considering licensing your patent you can read about the process at Nolo.